My Trip to New York City
In July, 2018 my family and I took a trip to New York City. We live in Nevada, so I was excited that it was supposed to rain while we were there. The trip started for me when we got on the plane. I met the pilot and he invited me into the cockpit. He let me sit in his chair and showed me the information he was going to use to navigate the plane. I even got to print out the weather report for our destination. It was amazing! The trip was really fast since I slept for most of it. I woke up just in time to see the New York skyline as we were getting ready to land. It was really early in the morning so we stopped in the lounge at the airport for breakfast. They had a pancake machine! A robot pancake making machine! I could have stayed there eating pancakes and playing with it for hours but it was time to go meet our host in Brooklyn. It was time for my first trip on the subway. I thought it was cool. The tunnel was really dark and it was hard to see but I really liked it. We got to Brooklyn and checked into the apartment we were renting for our stay. It was rainy and humid and it was really hard not to jump in the puddles. Our first stop was Battery Park. We saw the place where the Twin Towers had stood and talked about what had happened there.  Battery Park was really pretty. There were no batteries but there was lots of trees and grass and you could see the Statue of Liberty out in the water. We walked all around the park and went to Wall Street to see a bull. A gold bull. GOLD BULL. Next, we went to Coney Island. My Dad and I like to ride the biggest roller coasters, so we knew we had to ride, The Thunderbolt. It was 115 feet high and went 56 miles per hour. I thought it was really fun but I was a little green leaving. We decided that ride was good enough and we didn’t need to do anymore that day. It seemed like a really good time to get back on the subway and call it a day.
          The next day, we went on a cruise around the entire city. The cruise was great. I especially loved the downpour in the middle of the trip. We were the last people on the deck of the boat, but we also chickened out and went inside. After the cruise we went to the Museum of Natural History. I got to hold a huge dinosaur bone. We spent lots of time in the gift shop where I got some really cool things. I really liked the big statue in front of the entrance.  Right next to the museum was Central Park. There were a lot of big, steep rocks and I got to climb them with my dad. We had a lot of fun. We stopped on a big rock for lunch where we made some new friends. There were lots of little birds and a big, fat squirrel that wanted to share our lunch. I got to take some pictures of them with the camera my Nana got me for the trip. We saw a very cool bridge and a fountain that were in the park. I would love to go back there. The park was amazing.
          After that,  we went to the Bronx zoo. There were peacocks running free around the zoo with their babies. It was really cute. There were lots of animals to see and we walked around looking at all the trees. Then we went to Yankee Stadium. IT WAS HUGE! The stadium holds over 50,000 people. I had never been in such a big place before. We cheered with the crowd and ate a lot. We had a blast. It was dark out when the game ended so we called it a night.
          The next day, we went to the Empire State Building. We saw the whole city from the top of the building. There were binoculars you could use to see things close up and we took lots of pictures of the different buildings. I liked the giftshop there too. I bought some models of it with King Kong on the side. Afterward, we went to Saint Patrick’s Cathedral. It was amazing. There was lots of stained glass and paintings inside. It was really quiet even though there were a lot of people inside. Even the ceiling was beautiful. Then we went to Rockefeller Center. There were some really cool statues there too but the best thing about it was the Lego Store. It was absolutely massive! They probably had a million Lego sets in there. They give you a plastic cup to fill with whatever Legos you want, so I totally packed it.
          Being in New York was an amazing experience. I got to go in the cockpit of a plane all the way to going into a building that has 102 floors! It was one of the most fun vacations I’ve had in my life.